About Us

Know About North Shimi Plast ...​

In 1384 (2005), North Shimi plast Company began its operations with the goal of recycling PET bottle waste, with a capacity of 5,000 tons per year. Considering the high volume of plastic waste in Mazandaran province and aiming to improve product quality, the company’s management decided to establish the largest PET waste recycling complex in Mazandaran province. With the efforts of experienced managers and under the guidance of the Almighty, the company managed to construct the most modern PET waste recycling factory in the Middle East region, with an annual production capacity of 30,000 tons, on a 11,000 square meter land adjacent to the previous facility. In line with the environmental needs of Mazandaran province and the country, the company’s production capacity has been increased to over 40,000 tons per year (equivalent to 130 tons per day).

In pursuit of the company’s long-term goals, groundwork is being laid for the design and manufacture of other products such as bulldozers, graders, rollers, etc., to cater to domestic specialists. This initiative will play an important role in creating employment opportunities for our talented youth in Iran.

Our Services And Products

Production of various types of hot washed PET flakes with impurities less than 30ppm:

– Double hot washed white PET flakes without creamy color for granule and sheet production.
– White hot washed PET flakes for polyester fiber production.
– Mixed-color hot washed flakes in five colors.
– Green and brown hot washed flakes.
– Yellow hot washed flakes.
– Creamy hot washed flakes.
– Grade A washed white caps and labels.
– Washed colored caps and labels.

Image And Video Gallery

See pictures and videos of North Shimiplast Company in this section

Certificates and honors

See the certificates and honors of North Shimiplast Company in this section

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